Our Vision

Our Vision


Our vision for our customers, people, and communities, and our values to help build a better world include but is not limited to: ethics, excellence, fair return, mutual respect, safety, and sustainability.
Our current and future mandate is to bring the same expertise and level of service being offered in UK to the rest of the World.
Transferring our know-how
High -end Consultancy and project delivery in any part of the globe makes no sense unless servicing & maintenance can be guaranteed throughout their lifetime, a minimum of 20 years.

Strong local presence
Paktim in-country offices provide local services for technical assistance, expertise, spares distribution, and after-sales. These operational bases host the necessary skills, tools and spares.
They are staffed by local people who are hired, trained and mentored on a long-term basis by Paktim. This principle of anchoring technical teams in the local population guarantees longevity. It is also strong testimony to Paktim's commitment to respect local culture and sustainable development.

A real transfer of skills
Our aim is to allow users to be fully involved during the project life cycle, and make the delivered solution a source of development and revenue for the community. To do that, we transfer our skills to the local operating teams with full transparency, and remain continually available to provide any training and support needs they may have.