
Asset Management


Is your distribution network weak to the point that new distributed generation (DG) cannot be connected? Have you got constraints on your distribution network weak to the point that new distributed generation cannot be connected?

Through our strategic partner, we can help using a patented Network Management System. We can delivers a range of products, services and consultancy aimed at improving the performance of electricity networks and resolving constraints innovatively and cost effectively.

The network management system is used to connect, control and monitor the electricity distribution network and prevent overloads on this network by controlling the amount of distributed generation (DG) allowed to connect on to the network at any one time. The network management solution releases latent real-time network capacity for generator connections using solutions that resolve technical constraints and are acceptable to network operators. It thereby enables quicker and cheaper alternatives to primary plant reinforcement. In delivering these solutions we offer:

Network Management:

  • Identification and assessment of NM technologies
  • NM feasibility assessments
  • Study and specification of complementary technologies:
    • Energy storage
    • Dynamic line ratings
    • Voltage control devices
  • Technical and commercial analysis of constraint options

Power Systems Analysis:

  • Load flow, short circuits, harmonics, etc.
  • Dynamic/transient simulation
  • Multi-stage snapshot simulation for time series and probabilistic studies
  • Modelling and assessment of impact of smart grid technologies on network performance
  • Experienced in the use of a number of industry-standard packages including IPSA+, PSSE and Power Factory

If you want more information regarding network management or you would like any project specific advice, our experienced Consultants are on hand to help.

Please contact us - Power Systems Group to find out more.