
Distributed Generation


Is your distribution network weak to the point that new distributed generation (DG) cannot be connected? Have you got constraints on your distribution network weak to the point that new distributed generation cannot be connected?

Through our strategic Partner, we can help using the Network Management System. The NM system is used to connect, control and monitor the electricity distribution network and prevent overloads on this network by controlling the amount of distributed generation (DG) allowed to connect on to the network at any one time.

The DG stations in question, in the most part, do not need to belong to you but may belong to private generation companies who have elected to connect onto your electrical distribution network as a means of gaining access to the National Grid and a market for the electricity they generate.

The NM control scheme can be used to control on a zoned basis, all new DG wishing to connect on to the electricity distribution network. This new DG shall then be termed as New Non-Firm Generation (NNFG).

For more information regarding distributed generation or project specific advice, our experienced Consultants are on hand to help. Please contact us - Renewables Group to find out more.